Furuno NavNet 3D

FURUNO's NavNet 3D redefines the user
interface of onboard navigation systems.
FURUNO’s new NavNet 3D is a groundbreaking navigation
system that introduces new concepts for a user interface that
makes navigating your vessel easier than ever before. Once you
start using NavNet 3D, you will be amazed at how a system so
powerful can be so simple to use. NavNet 3D comes fully
loaded with a variety of groundbreaking, new features that
will expand your navigational horizons.
The only acceptable redraw time is zero, TimeZero™.
NavNet 3D uses a new cutting-edge technology we have named
"TimeZero"™. It facilitates
instant chart redraw, allowing zooming in and out, chart panning, changing chart display
modes and other chart handling functions seamlessly and with no lag time. TimeZero™ brings
you a truly seamless navigation environment you have to see to believe.
True 3D environment for a more instinctive chart presentation.
NavNet 3D incorporates a whole new dimension to chart presentation with Full Time 3D
chart rendering. You can choose a 2D top-down view of the navigation chart for a look and
feel that duplicates a traditional chart plotting presentation. Or, you can choose to pan and
zoom the chart to any angle at any range scale you choose instantly. There is no
"3D mode"
to change into and no waiting, because NavNet 3D operates in this 3D environment full time.
In addition, you choose what type of charts you want to view from raster, vector or combine
them with FURUNO's new Satellite PhotoFusion™ charts. This variety of chart presentations
helps to improve your situational awareness by giving you unprecedented control over your
charting environment.
NavNet 3D Cartography
NavNet 3D's powerful graphic engine has added new chart presentation options to the
conventional 2D method of chart plotting. With 3D charts and our new Satellite PhotoFusion™,
you can now blend satellite imagery with critical chart data like never before. These new
presentation options allow you to visually identify the exact position of your vessel, together with
information about the surrounding area on instinctively clear chart orientations that you control.
Navigate in True 3D with Raster, Vector and Bathymetric Charts
NavNet 3D incorporates native 3D chart architecture that allows for a full-time 3-dimensional presentation,
as opposed to 2D charts that require special effects to appear 3D. There are no special modes; that limit your
ability to navigate the way you want. With NavNet 3D's true 3D environment, you can see all of the
information you want with no limitations on what information you wish to view. Plan your routes and enter
points directly on your raster or vector native 3D charts. Radar overlay, Sirius Network Weather Receiver, AIS,
plus all of your chart symbols and depth soundings; any and all of the information can be displayed at will.
This is the beauty of navigating in a true 3D. You have full control over the presentation all of the time.

Satellite PhotoFusion™
Our satellite photography can now be fused with raster or vector chart information. Land areas (zero depth) are
completely opaque, so that these areas are displayed as high-resolution satellite photos on the chart. As the
depth increases, the satellite photography becomes more transparent so that you will know where the shallows
end and the deeper water starts, and also allowing the raster or vector chart to be visible.
High-resolution satellite photography aids in seabed classification so that you will be able to easily identify
areas of sand, rock, coral or other obstructions.

3D Key
Even though your raster or vector charts are operating
in their native 3D environment full-time, one long press
of the 3D key will toggle the chart from a familiar 2D
top-down perspective, to your favorite 3D angle.

The Only Acceptable Wait Time is Zero:
TimeZero™ Technology Makes Chart Redraw a Thing of the Past
NavNet 3D’s high-speed processor and powerful graphic engine deliver TimeZero™ technology
– instant, seamless chart handling with no lag or loading time. Blink and you will miss it!
TimeZero™ technology redefines the meaning of stress-free operation by smoothing out your
chart handling actions.
Chart scaling without limitation
Zoom seamlessly and continuously to whatever chart scale you desire. Instead of limiting you to a small
handful of chart scales to choose from like traditional chart plotters, TimeZero™ architecture allows you to
seamlessly zoom in or out to the exact magnification level you like without steps or limitations.

Easy chart panning gives you freedom to explore
You can pan the chart by simply pressing the scroll pad. This gives you freedom to explore
the chart data, allowing you to focus on a specific area ahead of or around your vessel
without losing track of your position on the chart. Explore the chart data at your leisure,
and then instantly return to own ship at the touch of a single dedicated ship button.
Displaying True and Relative Motion is now more intuitive than ever before. TimeZero™
technology provides a useful utility for focusing on a specific direction such as the area
ahead of your vessel.

FURUNO's NavNet 3D Digital Solution sets a new Stan dard
NavNet 3D operates on a fully digitized environment with its highly
sensitive digital sensors for radar and fish finder. The operating
structure is also digitized, delivering total fusion of hardware and
software modules in its operation scheme, utilizing Ethernet,
NMEA0183 and NMEA2000®.
New Ultra High Definition (UHD™)
Digital Radar
NavNet 3D integrates Ultra High Definition (UHD™) Digital
Radar that facilitates fully automatic, high-precision Gain,
Sea/Rain Clutter and Tuning Control for
hands-free operation and ultimate
performance. One of the amazing
features of FURUNO UHD™ Digital Radar
is a fully independant “Real-Time” dual
range radar display, which scans and
displays two different radar ranges with
no lag at all. This greatly enhances your
situational awareness.
FURUNO Digital Filter (FDF™) Fish Finder
You probably know about digital fish finders, but are not quite sure what the
term really means. FURUNO Digital Filter (FDF™) fish finders feature advanced
filtering capabilities and digital auto tuning, which eliminates noise, while
delivering the ability to spot individual fish with clarity, accuracy and detail.

NavNet 3D RotoKey™ puts a whole
new spin on "User Friendly"
NavNet 3D challenges a conventional menu
operating system with a whole new concept,
the "RotoKey™" on-screen revolving menu key.
By turning a rotary knob on the control panel,
RotoKey™ will be activated, giving you full
access to NavNet 3D controls.
NavNet 3D Digital Sensors
The reliability of NavNet 3D lies in its exceptional sensor performance, which is the result of
advanced Digital Signal Processing. NavNet 3D digital Radar and Fish Finder sensors greatly
improve target detection and presentation capabilities.
Ultra High Definition (UHD™) Digital Radar
FURUNO has taken its NMEA award-winning radar technology to the next level with Ultra
High Definition Digital Radar. UHD™ offers crystal clear, noise-free target presentation
with automatic real-time digital signal processing. Antenna rotation speed (24/36/48 rpm)
is automatically shifted to the appropriate pulse length. Commercial-grade radar
performance is now available in the ultimate MFD navigation suite.
NavNet 3D Real-Time Digital Auto Gain/Sea/Rain Controls
NavNet 3D employs revolutionary real-time digital
auto Gain/Sea/Rain controls to deliver noise-free radar
presentation. With this new technology, NavNet 3D
computes and applies an adaptive omni-directional
anti-clutter filter with variable intensity depending on
Real-time Dual Range Radar
NavNet 3D's simultaneous scanning technology drives
our powerful dual-range radar, providing unsurpassed
target detection. With each sweep of antenna, dual
progressive scan transmissions are sent, received and
processed to display two separate radar ranges on your
NavNet 3D display simultaneously. Each radar
presentation acts autonomously, allowing for
manipulation of individual gain and clutter controls.
FURUNO Digital Filter (FDF™) Fish Finder
FURUNO's DFF1 features the FURUNO Digital Filter (FDF™) technology. This new
digital network sounder can turn any NavNet display into a powerful dual frequency
digital fish finder with selectable 600 W or 1 kW output power. The DFF1 operates
in the 50/200 kHz frequencies, and can display either frequency alone or both on
the same display.
The main difference between digital and conventional fish finders lies in the filtering
capabilities and auto adjustments. Our award-winning FDF™ technology helps to
optimally adjust the gain, STC (Clutter) and output power as well as suppress
surface clutter. It also makes the picture clearer and easier to decipher. However,
even the best digital filter won’t help unless you start with a solid basis, such as
FURUNO’s renowned fish finder technology. This is why FURUNO has been the best
friend to fishermen for generations. For those who require more power, connect the
conventional ETR-30N (BBFF3), which has a high output power of 1/2/3 kW and
operates in frequencies from 28 to 200 kHz.
Exceptional Shallow Water Detection with Surface Clutter Suppression
Surface clutter, caused mainly by vessels
propeller, can be significantly reduced
by the digital filter. This enables you to
spot fish targets that are close to the
Detailed Target Presentation
The digital filter of the DFF1 optimizes the gain to obtain
highly detailed images of underwater conditions, clearly
showing fish targets suspended in the water column as
well as those close to the seabed. The digital filter
eliminates noise to deliver sharp, detailed images of fishing
reefs and individual fish with absolute clarity.
Scalable operating system
NavNet 3D is designed with a user-friendly, scalable operating environment, accommodating
new boaters as well as experienced navigators. It lets you customize how much or how little
control you have over the system.

1. Point & Click Interface
NavNet 3D provides the easiest user interface on the market with a
combination of both RotoKey™ and a familiar point-and-click cursor pad
control. The power of the point-and-click interface allows for incredibly
simple operation - click anywhere on the screen for context-sensitive
options for that area. Click on any data box to access detailed
information for that function. A variety of features can be accessed
through a familiar left or right click interface. You can also connect a
generic USB mouse to further simplify operation.
2. Disp Key
One press of the Disp key allows you to easily select the presentation you
desire. Five intelligently designed hot-pages are available to you right out
of the box, with the ability to save up to ten custom hot-pages.
Customize any hot-page with a simple long press of the RotoKey™, which
launches the hot-page wizard.
3. RotoKey™
This is NavNet 3D’s revolutionary new control that merges the power and versatility
of soft keys with an easy-to-use rotary knob! One turn of the RotoKey™ gives you
instant access to full control of NavNet 3D. The RotoKey™ is designed as a part of
NavNet 3D’s scalable operating system; a short press of the RotoKey™ gives you
access to a user-selected set of the functions that you select upon installation from
Basic, Standard, Full or Custom, while a longer press of the key displays all of the
functions available. Never leave your navigation screen to enter a menu again!

4. Range Key
A simple press of the Range key allows
you to adjust the chart/radar range
scale of your choice with smooth
zooming-in/out actions – no chart
screen redraw or lag at all thanks to
TimeZero™ Technology!
5. Scrolling Pad
The scrolling pad allows independent
scrolling and panning capabilities from
dedicated omni-pad. Pan the chart, shift
the radar without any screen redraw or
lag. You can also control Axis IP cameras
without accessing complicated menus or
changing your current presentation.
6. 3D Key
One long press of the 3D key will toggle the
chart from 3D to a familiar 2D, top-down
perspective. While the chart remains in its
native 3D environment, only the perspective
shifts. Press the key again and you toggle
back to 3D. There is no special mode required
to shift back to 3D perspective.