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What's New

Yacht Controller remote
Yacht Controller remote (Black)

Why We Like It...

Yacht Controller brings ease of operating your boat to new levels with their new Yacht Controller system. A new wireless transmitter with a smart, ergonomic design and leading technology allows an operator to instantly identify which switch he is operating by touch alone, allowing for control of engine, bow and/or stern thrusters, steering, windlass, and more...up to four different actions. Now the owner/operator, captain, or helmsman can dock and maneuver the vessel while walking around, keeping clear sight lines at all times! It is revolutionizing yachting for owner/operators, husband/wife teams, and even allowing for a reduction in crew in larger yachts!


What Our Techs Say...

"These units are well-engineered and straight forward to install. We like the flexibility Yacht Controller gives the boat owner/captain by allowing for customizing of the remotes so as to handle vessel movement (engines and thrusters) or peripheral movement such as windlasses, davits, etc."




Honor Marine Electronics
1804B Cleveland Ave - National City, CA 91950
Phone: (619) 233-7666 Fax: (619) 231-0397

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